So I was doing my mile on the Precor this morning at the gym (yeah, I work out) while watching ESPN 2. They had closed-captioned on so we could instead listen to the inspiring words of Lil' Wayne over the speaker system. Anyway, they had their fourth-string reporters on their second-string network blabbering about the Angels starting rotation when the closed-captioned system scrolled across that "Chemical Victim Escobar" might come off the DL by All Star Break. By the fifth time, closed-captioning finally got
Kevim Escobar's name right.
Regardless, Kelvim "Chemical Victim" Escobar is simply the best nickname ever. Just imagine:
"The 'Chemical Victim' burns another batter!".... "The 'Chemical Victim's' fastball could melt the bat out of a player's hands!"... "Oh no! Somebody has taken his nickname too seriously and has burned Kevin Escobar's face with some sort of chemical! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh my god! Oh no! Isn't anybody going to help him? Please! Oh the smell! And we're sitting really high up! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!"
Yep. Kevim "Chemical Victim" Escobar is the man!