Tuesday, September 18, 2007

An Open Letter to the Mets

Dear New York Mets --

I don't know what people have been telling you, but five game losing streaks during the last half-month of the season are not cool. Perhaps you guys are thinking to yourselves, "Six out of the past seven World Series had a Wild Card team in it; maybe we should try that." Stop it. Get that idea out of your collective brains right now.

Listen to me: You must win your division. However in order to do this, you must win games. My conclusion is that you must have forgotten the definition of "winning" along with the definitions of "fielding" and "pitching." I trust that you will Google these words and get back on track.

In the meantime, let's look at some of the positives -- like it's Yom Kippur this weekend so hopefully Scott Schoeneweis will be in temple Friday and Saturday (and therefore not on the baseball diamond) asking Yahweh for his forgiveness for sucking so fucking hard at life.

Lets sack up Mets. (Or for Pedro, Reyes and company: permítanos saco arriba los Mets de Nueva York)

The Guys at Roto Recall
PS: And why the photo of Mo Vaughn? Because I needed to find the proper picture that conveyed my inner-sadness at your recent performance. Yes -- my current emotional state is the literal equivalent to that of a big fat bloated underachieving black man.

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