The man invented both "hard guy" and "extreme." Everybody from Tony Hawk to Mountain Dew owes Evel a debt of gratitude.
Here's a proper tribute to the man:

The home for Ben Oren's ramblings on sports... and life... but mainly sports... but sometimes life too.
It's time the Dolans went "Lord of the Flies" on the team and let them govern themselves. I have the sneaking suspicion Nate Robinson would somehow become the vicious ruler of the squad. Dude's got a Marlo Stanfield vibe about him...
So I guess this match should rank in the history of the great US-Russia rivalry somewhere between Boris & Natasha taking on Moose & Squirrel and that game of bubble hockey that was in every bowling alley in the 80’s.
However I do think Omar could snag some other Santanas with what he's willing to deal...
I predict a season sellout in five minutes if Carlos Santana performed the National Anthem AND the Curly Shuffle at every home game... Viva Los Mets!
Ole! Let's bring in Tito Santana to be a coach! How sweet would it be if he were to make his entrance to the field by flying out of the home run apple? The pitching staff would have carte blanche for throwing brushbacks because if a bench clearing brawl erupted who would want to take the chance to be wapped with a flying forearm smash?
And as a true deterrent to any poor play by A-Rod, Hank Steinbrenner will give the superstar his patent-pending reach-around back rub for every error, strikeout and/or misplay on the base paths Rodriguez may make throughout the duration of his contract.
Apparently Fernando Valenzuela will be on it too. Ooh. I hope this float will be triple-reinforced.
And when did Tommy Ladorda starting going by "Tom?" I guess once you turn 80 it's silly to go by a child's name.