Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Future Is Now

Major League Baseball is prepping its ballparks for instant replay. 

A lot of baseball purists are unhappy about this -- they think it will take the "human" element out of the game.

But not Roto Recall... we believe this is the first step towards the inevitable: U.M.P.S. (aka Ultimate Moderating Professional System)

Imagine Lou Pinella kicking dirt onto the shins of a 25-foot tall metal beast. Now imagine Lou Pinella getting eviscerated via the U.M.P.S.'s built in laser-saw module.   

Imagine some drunken Yankee fans using sailor-talk while discussing the home plate U.M.P.S.'s mother. Now imagine those same drunken Yankee fans being drawn and quartered during the seventh inning stretch by the first base U.M.P.S.'s pinpoint machete arm. (Because the first base U.M.P.S. will always have the home plate U.M.P.S. bulletproof back)

Imagine a fat lazy umpire. Now imagine if a T-X had sex with a ED-209... Ooooh yeeeeah... That's nice... Go slower ED-209... There ain't no rush... Yeah...


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