One might think "Monday Night Jihad" would be the Al Jazeera version of "Friday Night Lights." If only...
It's actually a spy novel by Denver Broncos kicker Jason Elam (and a pastor) about Riley Covington, a football player/soldier who must return to duty in Afghanistan to fight terrorism... ONE... LAST... TIME.

Riley stared down at the rocky plans outside Kunduz from the Apache helicopter and saw a group of what appeared to be hostiles disguised as children playing some sort of game that involved the kicking of round sac through a designated area being tended to by a militant jihadist who was the only Talibaner that was allowed to use his hands. Riley laughed, “Those midget terrorists are celebrating the death of Americans by attacking a severed head effigy. Try a real sport like football. HUDDLE UP!” Riley told his troops it was time for the blitz. “This ain’t no two-minute drill, folks. Let’s sack them with our bullets and do the safety dance in the name of
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