Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Travis Henry is Honest About Weed

Denver Broncos halfback Travis Henry won an appeal of his one-year drug suspension... The NFL informed Henry in September he had failed a test for marijuana... He contended the league violated its substance abuse policy by not allowing an expert of Henry's choosing to be present for the testing... Henry convinced Mike Shanahan and the Broncos of his innocence by agreeing to a lie detector test...

The expert Henry wanted present for the testing? Shaggy from Scooby Doo.

What I find most endearing about this story is that perpetually red-faced Shanahan agreed to let Henry clear his good name by taking a lie detector test:

Shanahan: Is your name Travis Henry?

Henry: Yes.

Shanahan: Did you daddy up nine babies with nine different baby mamas?

Henry: Something like that.

Shanahan: Do you actually think you can really rush for 1,000 yards under any other offensive system in the NFL?

Henry: No.

Shanahan: I'm glad you're being honest. Now, did you smoke marijuana?

Henry: Can you be more specific?

Shanahan: Did you smoke marijuana that time that you failed your drug test and you claimed that it was from second-hand marijuana smoke?

Henry: Oh yeah. That time. Hell nah. Can I go now? I need to clear my head and go find somebody to impregnate...

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