The Hank Steinbrenner Scale O' Optimism:
- Lenny Kravitz sings the National Anthem for Opening Day at the new Yankee Stadium
- Turtlenecks and plaid jackets come back into style.
- Hank tricks George into calling him "The Boss."
- Treat Williams is cast to play Hank in the sequel to "The Bronx is Burning."
- A low-level team will trade the Yankees a pitcher who can't handle New York and will wind up succeeding elsewhere.
- A fan will ask for Hank's autograph and will be disappointed that he isn't Rush Limbaugh.
He issues a press release firing Joe Girardi, forgetting he hasn't actually fired Joe Girardi yet.
- Yankees make the playoffs.
- Horatio Sanz is cast to play Hank in the sequel to "The Bronx is Burning."
- Hank completely finishes his Sunday brunch, which consists of three orders of Moons Over My Hammy and fourteen Diet Cokes.
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